Meditone induces very strong (supramaximal) contractions that are not achieved through normal workout. It uses a range of frequencies that does not allow muscle relaxation between two consecutive stimulations. The muscle is forced to remain in a contracted state for multiple seconds. When repeatedly exposed to these high load conditions the muscle tissue is forced to adapt and strengthen. The muscle starts remodelling it’s inner structure by multiplication of fibres and their growth.
Clinical studies report an average increase in muscle mass of 16% during a treatment consisting to 4-8 sessions.
- Abdomen
- Quads
- Glutes
- Calves
- Biceps
- Triceps
- Hamstrings
Meditone has emerged as a promising non-invasive solution for addressing Abdominal separation, also known as Diastasis Recti. This occurs when the connective tissue between the abdominal muscles stretches, causing the muscles to separate. This condition is commonly experienced during pregnancy. While diastasis recti is not typically harmful, it can lead to weakened core muscles, lower back pain, and a protruding belly postpartum.
With regular sessions, Meditone can aid in reducing abdominal separation and restoring abdominal strength, providing a non-surgical option for individuals seeking to address this common postpartum concern.
Trial session $249
Cycle of 4 per area – $849 (Saving $147)
Cycle of 8 per area – $1499 (Saving $493)
MEMBERSHIP – $199 per week
4 Sessions per month
2 Area’s of choice
Prices Valid until June 2025